Actually, this has been buggin me for quite awhile alr... its wat i prefer to call "illegal broadcasting"... Well, the term should more or less give u some insight on wat i'm toking about... Anyone of you been in a bus...or a train... and den you are jus feelin zzz and jus wan to have a quiet trip to your destination...when one of this PCB~ boards up and start blasting their 喇叭away... They are playing songs on speaker thru their phone or wadeva cool ass gadget they think they have.... F* u bitches... its not cool and its irritating.
Today, on my way to interchange, i thought i heard some friggin old school techno blasting away behind me...well, its not so bad today...but loud enuff to piss me off. I din even need to i expected...its a bunch kiao tor...ccb i think to myself... and no..its not racist... Sha and i are good fren, right shasha?! :) There is something extremely irritating when you do that...
first of all...the songs is always extremely old when i was in 90s? Well, if i'd like to hear them...i can listen to them at home...and if YOU~~ wan to listen to them...listen it yourself... dun try to show off ur gadgets by acting rich if u cant even afford a bloody pasar malam cheapo pirated earphone.
Second...ur music is pixelated... yea...i think they call it distorted, but to me...its pixelated. How bad can that be, right? Its very bad...imagine your a3 magazine images coming out as boxes? :/ or photo of ur face becomes spongebob? Yea... its like using ur nail and scratch the blackboards... its freakin disastrous...
Thirdly...Why does it always have to be some cb kiao tor? or some act seh bengs? or a bunch of think they look beng idiotic underage kids? Well... this 3 type of ppl is those that i would take out Dante's Pandora box (its a morphing briefcase that would change into a bazooka, bowgun and a artillery platform) without hesitation and shoot them with no mercy...really...i remember tellin Med, if i have a Deathnote...i wud even write their name on it. Yea...
Today, on my way to interchange, i thought i heard some friggin old school techno blasting away behind me...well, its not so bad today...but loud enuff to piss me off. I din even need to i expected...its a bunch kiao tor...ccb i think to myself... and no..its not racist... Sha and i are good fren, right shasha?! :) There is something extremely irritating when you do that...
first of all...the songs is always extremely old when i was in 90s? Well, if i'd like to hear them...i can listen to them at home...and if YOU~~ wan to listen to them...listen it yourself... dun try to show off ur gadgets by acting rich if u cant even afford a bloody pasar malam cheapo pirated earphone.
Second...ur music is pixelated... yea...i think they call it distorted, but to me...its pixelated. How bad can that be, right? Its very bad...imagine your a3 magazine images coming out as boxes? :/ or photo of ur face becomes spongebob? Yea... its like using ur nail and scratch the blackboards... its freakin disastrous...
Thirdly...Why does it always have to be some cb kiao tor? or some act seh bengs? or a bunch of think they look beng idiotic underage kids? Well... this 3 type of ppl is those that i would take out Dante's Pandora box (its a morphing briefcase that would change into a bazooka, bowgun and a artillery platform) without hesitation and shoot them with no mercy...really...i remember tellin Med, if i have a Deathnote...i wud even write their name on it. Yea...
One of the gadget pandora box can become. Bowgun in this case.
Dante carrying the Pandora's Box
I feel that the government shud implement a law to fine these f* ass like maybe $5k for doing these broadcasting... its ok if u're in a park...or places like east coast...but public transport? I remember seeing this ad that reminds ppl not to do that on train...but only like once? Aniwae... yest as Med n me were late for HSM3, we were basically lost in the Bugis theater when we went in... The numbers on the seat is not lighted up...and there's no way i can know by tryin to look at the seat when the show is started....well..we ended up jus randomly finding a seat... how cool is that. Went to Simlim again to get a cd pouch... its like journey to the west.... i went to practically every floor, and i cant even see a normal, decent and black cd pouch... they have like winnie the pooh...mickey... metal case cover (fail...wad if it rust?) and some really badly designed cd pouch... Where is the brain of these ppl?? *roll eyes... I ended up gettin a better lookin plastic cd folder at 日本の家 opposite Sibay lor....ZZZZ!!!
To end my i went to Simei to get a hair cut...i walked by Long John Silver and Med n i saw a bunch of girls staring at the entrance of Long John in awe and amazement... Instinctively..i turned ard and look... there's this guy...13-16 of age... buying Long John and carrying a tray out to the outdoor seatings... Wat was catching the attention was... he had a grey Mini-schnauzer with him. It was waiting for him at the door... as he was queueing for food, and when he came out, it was waiting for instruction to follow, and den when it followed, the owner jus gave command for the dog to sit down...and it did nicely and obediently beside. Well i thought it was impressive...but wat pissed me off was...the kid's expression... he was like showing off.... well...i was like...ur dog is as common as cockroaches... wat are u so proud of... if ruki or garou or gary boy or grim or leica is there... you can go pee on ur own face.... LOL! aniwae it jus piss me off to see his cocky LJB...
Sigh...guess i'm an angry man today...maybe cos i haven started on my Magazine... and we need to give Andri the pdf tomoro...WTH~~~ cant even leave us in peace during project week....@!#!$@#%$&^%*&^(*)&
I feel that the government shud implement a law to fine these f* ass like maybe $5k for doing these broadcasting... its ok if u're in a park...or places like east coast...but public transport? I remember seeing this ad that reminds ppl not to do that on train...but only like once? Aniwae... yest as Med n me were late for HSM3, we were basically lost in the Bugis theater when we went in... The numbers on the seat is not lighted up...and there's no way i can know by tryin to look at the seat when the show is started....well..we ended up jus randomly finding a seat... how cool is that. Went to Simlim again to get a cd pouch... its like journey to the west.... i went to practically every floor, and i cant even see a normal, decent and black cd pouch... they have like winnie the pooh...mickey... metal case cover (fail...wad if it rust?) and some really badly designed cd pouch... Where is the brain of these ppl?? *roll eyes... I ended up gettin a better lookin plastic cd folder at 日本の家 opposite Sibay lor....ZZZZ!!!
To end my i went to Simei to get a hair cut...i walked by Long John Silver and Med n i saw a bunch of girls staring at the entrance of Long John in awe and amazement... Instinctively..i turned ard and look... there's this guy...13-16 of age... buying Long John and carrying a tray out to the outdoor seatings... Wat was catching the attention was... he had a grey Mini-schnauzer with him. It was waiting for him at the door... as he was queueing for food, and when he came out, it was waiting for instruction to follow, and den when it followed, the owner jus gave command for the dog to sit down...and it did nicely and obediently beside. Well i thought it was impressive...but wat pissed me off was...the kid's expression... he was like showing off.... well...i was like...ur dog is as common as cockroaches... wat are u so proud of... if ruki or garou or gary boy or grim or leica is there... you can go pee on ur own face.... LOL! aniwae it jus piss me off to see his cocky LJB...
Sigh...guess i'm an angry man today...maybe cos i haven started on my Magazine... and we need to give Andri the pdf tomoro...WTH~~~ cant even leave us in peace during project week....@!#!$@#%$&^%*&^(*)&