Kuuga n Garo.
Finally sort of completed wat i said i wanted to do before holiday. The sketch was done in 15mins, had to design the character for a couple of days... finally came up with this design. Kinda like it tho. Done it in painter and touched up a lil in photoshop. Its jus a practise piece, so not much details and background. Its meant to get me used to my tablet... done with custom-ed brush. Completed in 6-8 hours total over a few weeks, spent a lot of time trying to understand how the tools interact.
Hmmm...i see alot of ppl posting their resolution for 2009, so i guess i'll be a copy cat and do it as well.... LOL. Not really sure if its wad i think it is....
Well, my resolution wud be...
01 - Master Painter
02 - Get Internship at IFS during June holidays. (Prays very hard)
03 - Upgrade my computer with my own pay. (not sure if its a resolution, but frens who know me...i really spend too much to have this kind of money. sigh)
04 - Settle all my personal problems...eh hem, at home. (Kinda impossible)
05 - Go out more with Brother. (We go out alot really...but its nv boring hanging out wif him... LOL)
06 - Learn to be more spendthrift. (Sigh, kinda impossible as well)
07 - Socialise more (sounds familiar...seen it from Javier's blog)
08 - Dun get tired so easily
09 - Sleep well everyday
10 - Watch more movie.
11 - Everyone who knows me, have smooth life ahead. (WOW, i sounds like i'm trying for president.)
12 - Draw more...paint more....work more...study more...
13 - SLIM DOWN!!!!
Can't think of animore.....well i guess i'll jus work on it as the year goes by then. Finally updated my deviantart account, nothing much there at the moment, but i'll try to work hard and keep my posting up.
Can't think of animore.....well i guess i'll jus work on it as the year goes by then. Finally updated my deviantart account, nothing much there at the moment, but i'll try to work hard and keep my posting up.
Today was 2nd induction, briefing for our 2nd semester projects. Sounds kinda exciting, i think...hope i can maintain this mentality all the way til end of sem. Hidayah mentioned that we need to get 50 and above in order to consider level 3...i'm seriously sweating my bloody ass off. I've nv gotten above 50 before...ARGGHHHH...
Always wanted a pair of Nike air jordan 1, finally got myself a pair of this a few weeks ago at peninsula. $119 super duper sale. Saw Wanzi wear it today...lol... not sure if i shud tell her the bad news. LOL, she bought it at $140 i think. This is a Air Jordan 1 father's day special edition. Retail price is $169 i think. Super glad i got it so cheap. I used to own a pair of the original Air Jordan 1 (the red black one.) but i used it to play basketball and it got so worn out that i sold it for $50, kinda regret it ever since. Cos i bought it at $189 after reading Slam Dunk. LOL. Nowadays, to get this original pair, i think it would at least cost $250.

Final Fantasy Dissidia Japanese was out a week ago, and i tried to play it, but i spent most of my time trying to translate wat it is saying until i kinda give up. Guess i have to wait til mid 2009 to get the english one. China did some partial translation of it which is not really helpful... I was surprised that its actually a fighting game. LOL.

Recently i've been watching Galileo, acted my Masaharu Fukuyama. Short intro from wiki,
Kaoru Utsumi, a rookie detective who has just been reassigned to the criminal division, finds her investigation of her first murder case stalled by the seemingly supernatural phenomenons surrounding the event. She seeks help from Shunpei Kusanagi, a senior detective at the police headquarter, who introduces her to his college buddy and an associate professor at Teito University, Manabu Yugawa. Yugawa is a tall, handsome, and brilliant man who is interested in nothing but physical science, while Utsumi is a hot-blooded girl with a strong sense of justice. Together, the odd pair solves many difficult and seemingly impossible crimes with their individual talents.
It is a really nice show, and i guess my next wud be Kurosagi.
Kurosagi is about a young man named Kurosaki who had his family destroyed by swindlers (con artists). When Kurosaki grows up, he becomes a swindler named Kurosagi, so that he can avenge his family. Ever since his family was destroyed by swindlers, Kurosagi swindles other con artists and returns the money to the victim.