For the past few weeks, i've been so busy and shagged out by work that i have practically stop doin anithin once i'm home. LOL.
Trying to remind myself to not do that and pushing myself to do wat i'm supposed to do. By chance recently, i came across this school who is providing professional certs for wat i really wan to do and learn, downside was, the cost is almost on par with my degree. So wat shud i do... the advantage was, the course is shorter...guess this will have to be up to me to decide...(its abt digital paintin, matte paintin, some entertainment design and character design.)
Today, i had to accompany Med at the gallery, and well, some busybody came up to me while we were watchin video on Med's laptop. Can't really remember wat he said but here goes...
dude: Is your work in this exhibition?
me: Yea, its behind..why? (wtf m i tt famous?)
dude: which course r u guys from?
me: visual communication... (why do u even care....)
dude: the lights for the interior design exhibits are not on...
me: erm...ic...we're from visual comm... (r u deaf or wat? i jus said i'm from visual comm)
dude: but you're the gallery sitter rite? i think you have the responsibility to on their lights...
me: (F*** u...) the gallery sitter for interior design is over the other side, together with the product design peeps...
alrite...i know this sounds like i'm super keh gao kia, but well, we spent a good sunday to come down and sit in for the gallery, and if~ the interior ppl dun even give a damn~ why shud we? while they're enjoyin their sunday at home? I shud hv jus ask the jitoot dude if he was frm interior....well...god bless him i forgot....
recently i'm addicted to tatsunoko vs capcom...well, its a fantastic game, with the aerial combos and watever combos...its hard to stop. And Iluma bugis has 3 of these machines... so everytime i go to bugis for this few days, i'll jus drop by the arcade for a shot... had a try at SF4, and well, its really different and hard...sigh.... with punches slower and harder to combine, and special move harder to execute...its a pain in the ass for a joystick idiot like me to play....
For toy fans, Play imaginative at Iluma is finally opened and features alot of designer stuffs and cool toys. Do check it out, you won't miss it, its by the entrance outside Iluma. I got myself some nice badgee from Popkartsg the other day as well...they looks damn cool....(my interest in stuff is getting really random and strayin from wat i wud be interested in the past...)
Trying to remind myself to not do that and pushing myself to do wat i'm supposed to do. By chance recently, i came across this school who is providing professional certs for wat i really wan to do and learn, downside was, the cost is almost on par with my degree. So wat shud i do... the advantage was, the course is shorter...guess this will have to be up to me to decide...(its abt digital paintin, matte paintin, some entertainment design and character design.)
Today, i had to accompany Med at the gallery, and well, some busybody came up to me while we were watchin video on Med's laptop. Can't really remember wat he said but here goes...
dude: Is your work in this exhibition?
me: Yea, its behind..why? (wtf m i tt famous?)
dude: which course r u guys from?
me: visual communication... (why do u even care....)
dude: the lights for the interior design exhibits are not on...
me: erm...ic...we're from visual comm... (r u deaf or wat? i jus said i'm from visual comm)
dude: but you're the gallery sitter rite? i think you have the responsibility to on their lights...
me: (F*** u...) the gallery sitter for interior design is over the other side, together with the product design peeps...
alrite...i know this sounds like i'm super keh gao kia, but well, we spent a good sunday to come down and sit in for the gallery, and if~ the interior ppl dun even give a damn~ why shud we? while they're enjoyin their sunday at home? I shud hv jus ask the jitoot dude if he was frm interior....well...god bless him i forgot....
recently i'm addicted to tatsunoko vs capcom...well, its a fantastic game, with the aerial combos and watever combos...its hard to stop. And Iluma bugis has 3 of these machines... so everytime i go to bugis for this few days, i'll jus drop by the arcade for a shot... had a try at SF4, and well, its really different and hard...sigh.... with punches slower and harder to combine, and special move harder to execute...its a pain in the ass for a joystick idiot like me to play....
For toy fans, Play imaginative at Iluma is finally opened and features alot of designer stuffs and cool toys. Do check it out, you won't miss it, its by the entrance outside Iluma. I got myself some nice badgee from Popkartsg the other day as well...they looks damn cool....(my interest in stuff is getting really random and strayin from wat i wud be interested in the past...)
Gallery entrance~

Gallery sitter location...
Legendary interior design and product design side...
My exhibit in the middle...had to use my postcard as namecard...whahaha...
Shasha's exhibit...tot i shud helped her put some postcard too...hurhurhur....
Gary's exhibit...yea...helped him put some postcard as well...muahaha...
Med's exhibit...well, she had her own namecards....
Javier's exhibit...for graphic design...
Acel's imba exhibit...blur....
Yewcheng's exhibit....the linework can even be seen at this size of the image...zz
Jim's exhibit....for advertising....
The badges i bot at popkartsg....recently i really like Thor after i read 1602 from Marvel written by Neil Gaiman. Its a really cool story. And of cos, iron mans...who can not love ironman...and the other dude is the it cos the matt finish is really nice. The batman was part of a free gifts i received after i announced Firdaus's name...hahaha....he's my in charge at my intern work place. These badges r not those diy badges, from wat i'm told, they're actually authentic licensed product by one of the designers of mighty mugg. He has decided to start his own merchandise with all these badges. Its for sale at $2 per piece at popkartsg at Iluma Bugis entrance.
Hmmm...saw Cheng bot jim this jelly lens i went to buy a stretch lens for Med as well...haven try it out tho...haha... Kamen rider 1 & 2 caught by Med at the UFO machine @ Downtown. $3 spent in total. Simply love them...hurhurhurhur...have been addicted to UFO machine nowadays again...zz...
Finally used my spiderman keychain on my sling bag...might as well use it, or else it wud hv been a waste....
Current Fayleng: Dunno wat to do....sigh... Paper or money?