12 inch full detail Ironman Mark III by Movie Masterpiece
- Authentic and detailed fully realized IRON MAN
- Stands approximate 30 cm tall Over 36 points of articulations
- Metal-like painting
- Special features on the armor
+ Light up glowing eyes and heart (battery operated)
+ Articulated flaps at back of the armor and on legs
+ Working forearms missile
- Three pairs of Interchangeable hands, including light up replusor palms
- Alternate head with authentic likeness of Robert Downey Jr. as TONY STARK
- 12-inch figure stand
12 inch full detail Ironman Mark II by Movie Masterpiece.
Just look at all the crazy details!
- Authentic and detailed fully realized Mark 2
- Stands approximate 30 cm tall
- Over 36 points of articulations
- Metal-like painting
- Special features on the MARK II armor:
+ Light up glowing eyes and heart (battery operated)
+ Articulated flaps at back of the armor and on legs
+ Working forearms missile
- "Prove that TONY STARK has a heart" accessory with light up function
- Three pairs of Interchangeable hands, including light up replusor palms
- Alternate head that has a raising face
- plate revealing the face of Robert Downey Jr. as TONY STARK
- 12-inch figure stand
12 inch full detail Ironman Mark I by Movie Masterpiece
Yep, we're drooling alrite. All 3 mark series by- Head Sculpt by TJ.Cha, Head Art Directed by Yulli, Paint by JC.Hong. Scheduled to be release in 2009 priced at app. $240 each.
Movie replicas too serious for you ladies? Check these out.
Ironman babies available at Action city.
Yep, this was the SIC movie realisation for Spiderman.
You judge for yourself, as a SIC fanatic, i think it fails. LOL!
Overslept today, and couldn't go to school to help Fuwen and Amos for the photoshoot. I'm SO SORRY!!! Think i overworked yesterday and when i know it, it was alr 230pm. ZZzzz. Took awhile to settle down and i went to catch a quick movie with Melody after we went for a hair cut. We watched Eagle Eye, and i thought the action was pretty good, except for the constant spinning of camera during car chase. Yea, it was pretty entertaining for $6 i guess. I'll leave the details out to let you guys catch it. :) I would give it a 3.5/5 :P
Was surfing ebay jus now and i saw this Another Agito sculpture again, damn its so cool. As always i'm too poor to dwell in this kind of sculpture series toys. The agito sculpture cost app. $400 and the Shadowmoon's throne cost app. $500 and i think that excludes the bloody shipping, how i wish i can print money sometimes. Dun u think?
Think its time i stop slacking and buck up on my school work alr~~ yea i always say that~~
The artwork of the sculpture from the Artwork archive.

Realisation of the sculpture from the artwork, clear and solid color version.
The throne of shadowmoon from Hero Saga Vol 1. All my dreams~~~