Friday, October 31, 2008


Yay, after struggling for 2 days, i finally have some direction as to how to write my 2k essay....phew...hope its not too late, still have a couple of books to digest...zzz... i doubt this essay will be a good one....not that i write good essays aniwae~~ Was stuck in the library the whole day, having to move around and looking for powerpoints to use my laptop...i ended up in the basement sitting pathetically at a corner because the indian security guard forbid us to enter the lvl 8 section with our national library books...i emphasize, national library books... He's jus friggin lazy to check...

After that i tried lvl 9, it was a nice auntie and she said its ok if its national library book... God she saved us man....(*i was wif Med) I wanted to borrow a book from the reference section and found out that its available for loan at Tampines library, so i got my sister to go get it for me... and the person there checked the system and told her its not for loan and only for reference. Knowing the kind of staff the library has, i told my sis to go look for the book herself at the section, and yes...its available for loan...cos i friggin checked the NLB catalogue alr... when my sis told me that its available, i told her to go to the counter and slam the bloody book on her face. WAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?! ARE YOU BLIND?! !@#@#$@T%% Aniwae, although we onli sat in the Lee Kong Chien Reference section for like 1 hours plus, i finally got inspiration as in how to write my final essay...i hope it goes well...

I finally got my hand on the psp version of Spiderman Web of Shadow, and to be honest, i'm friggin disappointed... its no where near the other platform's version, its jus a stupid 2d game... and i was still wondering why is the file size so small...damn it... I researched online and realised that its a different game from the other platforms. Aniwae, Spiderman series of games nv fail to disappoint, i remember buying Spiderman 2 for pc, thinking it was the same as the one on PS2... disastrous.... I felt cheated though, activision should have put some trailer of the psp gameplay on the official site, instead of jus the main platform's.... seems like they are tryin to cheat people into buying the psp version...

So, would anione still support original games if company's like these, produces a game, and tries to mislead people into buying them? Maybe before they starts pointing fingers saying that we're destroyin the rights of the creators... they should start thinking that, they have the responsibility to be honest as well....Well, back to my essay~~~