Today was a rather tiring day in the morning, goin to lecture...its one of the most boring lecture in the whole time table. The whole lecture is nothin but constant re-elaboration on points that is as obvious as anithin else. Nothing against the lecturer seriously, but i feel, as a designer which u so love to call ourselves. Shouldn't you consider the impact, the massive amount of words and slides will have on your audience? Yep, nice color and font is good, but reading from the slides is not. If that's the case, i guess the slides can be sent to us thru email? That's what i realised from my previous lecturers as well, when we present, they'll say that words over slides and readin from slides is boring, but well, they do the same thing. :) Thought i should share some presentation mentality with everyone. Solely personal, i welcome feedback though. But point to note, all this notes was from a presentation lecturer, which i've tried to follow closely ever since :P
Point 1: Words ratio over image shouldn't be over 3:7, maximum 4:6, ideal would be 2:8 if not, chances are, you would end up reading from slide and your audience gets really bored. Especially target is students, with attention span of a puppy? lol.
Point 2: Don't have more den 10 slides, maximum 15. If not chances are, yea.. they're falling asleep and praying for time to pass. Its a torture as well, you shud try it.
Point 3: Don't over elaborate the obvious? Things like You need basic english to converse well. Yep, its ok if its one example, it kills if its like 3 similar scenario but diff examples?
Point 4: Ok, this is hard, but always pay constant attention to your audience as well. Look at how they react and maybe you can improve on, lengthen or shorten your presentation. Nothing always worked as plan, so its always good to have changes in the last moment.
Last point: Yep, i know its hard, even if you ask me to do it, i dun have the confident to do it well too, knowing is one thing, doing is another. Don't get carried away by your presentation, yes you have alot to say, but are they interested to listen more? But i guess if you have to do it, at least work smart, chunking all the words is tedious and unrewarding. :)
In unexpected situation, more slides might be needed and amount of words might need to be increased over images, but to what i know so far, that should only happen to statistical informations. Yep, that's about it i guess. Let me know what you think, so that i can improve on my presentation skills!