I have a statement to make~~
Dunno what to say today, got too bored and ended up catching Mamma Mia! with Med last minutely after lunch. It was pretty good and funny, although i was skeptical at first. I mean, the audience all uncle and auntie. *shrug. But den its a Tuesday noon, LOL. After that i went hunting for Starwars Dvds but to my disappointment. No have. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. In the end, to satisfy my urge to buy something related to Starwars, i got myself a Clonetrooper from the animation Clone wars. Lol.
Something suddenly came to my mind today, A couple of weeks ago, we were having debate in class. A classmate pointed out that Design is not cheap. It was my group debating that it is not cheap. I fully agree with this statement, and it's not supposed to be in the first place. Opposition's debate was, making use of ik*a as an example. That ik*a has cheap and good design, that's true to a certain extent. But quality and strength of materials was compromised, so when i mention this point, i was stopped by the lecturer and she said, that's not design alr. At that moment, i realised, yeah~ that's true, its not design alr.
But after pondering for awhile...think again...
The same lecturer mentioned earlier that, Designers are problem solvers, and she strongly emphasized this point. Yep i agree on that. That would mean, our design, being a by-product of us, designers, (not yet, but you get what i mean) is the solution? Based on that statement she made, that would mean that my consideration of strength and quality wasn't wrong? Because, the solution is made up of the selection of material, design, cost, etc... If we are problem solver, won't that mean that people who come to us, would want problem solved for good? Instead of getting lower strength and quality product? Most of our lecturers, always emphasize on selection of materials, strength, durability and design of our packaging and some other 3d product. So am i wrong to say that, strength and quality being part of material selection is part of design as well? And no, i'm not saying that ik*a products is lousy, because i myself love their products, but we all know that, they use lower quality materials for their products and their product is not as strong, but most of the customers are ready to accept that for the price they can save. The point here is just that, a good design that works is definitely not cheap.
Upon my conclusion to the previous thoughts, something else this lecturer said made me wondered too. Design is all around us. Every step we make, the way we use our utensils, hold our tools, try to get ourselves unstuck in a road full of junks, a new piece of design for a magazine, all this is design. Upon hearing what she said, i thought, that would be true, if designer is problem solver, den design is simply, in her term, solutions, ideas, or even inventions. Then, she proceed to tell us to name what we feel is the best designed item in our life ever. Someone named lightbulb, i thought fair enough, its one of the greatest invention and design for our life. She said no, that's an invention. I was appalled by that statement. She proceed to name, takeaway packaging and further elaborated, but my thoughts drifted away. I was thinking, is there any difference between design and inventions den? Lol.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invention An interesting article on invention from wikipedia.
I guess, its simply dangerous that, as a design lecturer, that you simply try to impose your opinion and ignore doctrines onto unaware students. If you really want to do so, at least elaborate on the important points of why it is so and not simply make a statement and say it is so.
I guess that's all~~ niteeez all, sorry for the long article, and i do hope u read and share with me your thoughts. :)

I think i'm in the dark side of the force alr, constantly trying to oppose the lecturer~~zzz