Today was a happy and busy day, because we have a new member in the family! This cute little 5weeks old puppy! Its a smooth coat male chi hua hua, and guess what, we're naming it Garo~ We had to go all the way to Yishun to view it, and Melody finally bought it, actually she bought it when she saw the puppy alr, yea..its tt adoarable. We had Gary and Fuwen to accompany us as well. It was really enjoyable, cos its been a while since i go out with my classmate, or do we even go out? Lolol.

Ruki is very happy for us as well, she has been in the family for near to 2 years now, A pretty long coat female chi hua hua. Although Ruki still has phobia siam-ing other dogs, we sure hope she gets along well with Garo. :)

After like thinking for 2 days, i finally decided to draw this toon above for Javier, the mask was designed by me last year for my Fanzine, and the costume is a lil rip-off from Masked Rider The First~ The usual red hair and comical face is something which i like to draw when i'm free, what's left of what i like to doodle when i'm free...

Finally, the news of the release of Wrath of Lich King was announced a few days ago, Nov 13th 08! So excited to get it, this new expansion boasts level cap removed to lvl 80, new terrain to explore, new profession, new hero class and what's not to miss, NEW TALENT TREE!!! Wheee... Let's hope its worth the wait... for more info,
for some interesting previews from the beta version of WOTLK.

This is my toon in Wow-Barthilas-Horde-Kuuga. Its a Blood Elf priest. I'm currently on full Shadow priest spec. The first costume on the right is my PVP gear, 2nd is my Raiding gear and 3rd is my healing gear. The last 2 simply shows the different costumes in shadow form. My pvp gear has a resilience of 351 @ 966 spell damage, raiding gear has a 171 hit rating @ 1266 spell damage and my healing gear~~ :) boast a healing power of 2150. This might sound a little boring with the stats, but i spent like near to a year to get to this stage? lolol. Its funny how people waste time and money on this kind of things....
Had to spend 1 hour trying to sort thru buyers to get my Garo figurines, might end up short of cash to collect all, but we'll have to see when the time comes, i have until the end of the month. Andri was briefing us on 32pp magazine today, it was a killer, and it will be a killer. Omg, so dead man...right now, i'm just gonna chill and relax....lolol
Nitez all.